What's a service like?
Nazareth is a traditional worshiping community.



How long are your services?
We try hard to keep our services to about an hour, give or take a few minutes.  We will try to respect your time, but acknowledge that, in the end, we are all on God's time.



How people dress?
People come to Nazareth with clothes ranging from casual to formal.  You'll often see people in suits and ties talking with the younger people in their shorts and T-shirts!  We don't care what you wear; we'll just be glad you've come!



May I take communion if I'm just visiting?
Nazareth has a caring communion policy.  Our care encompasses the Word of the Lord regarding His Holy Supper and His care for the people of faith who wish to participate in this sacrament of the altar.  At Nazareth, we celebrate Communion at least twice monthly as part of our divine worship service.


The bible teaches that the true body and blood of Jesus Christ are present in this sacrament together with the bread and wine.  We also believe that by receiving this meal in faith, we actually receive the forgiveness of our sins.  Those baptized and instructed in these teachings are invited to join in this meal.  Others are welcome to come forward for a blessing. 


 If you would like to know more about this teaching, please see the Pastor before or after worship services.

