Nazareth Lutheran Church has been in Hopewell, Virginia, for 90+ years. We are a part of the Southeastern District of the Lutheran Missouri Synod. Our mission statement is "Reaching out to all in faith and love, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and serving joyfully!"
The Congregation was born on Feb. 19, 1928, when a group of Lutheran men and women gathered in a borrowed hall with the express purpose of organizing a congregation in Hopewell.
One month after organizing, the small congregation purchased four lots at the corner of 20th and Grant streets. Ten years later, after diligent planning and saving, the first church building was constructed and dedicated on Sept. 18, 1928. Pastoral candidate Frank G. Koehler, who had been serving the congregation, was ordained and installed as pastor, a position he held until his retirement in March 1978.
The growth of the congregation in the late '40s and early '50s brought about the construction of a new and much larger church building which was dedicated on Dec. 16, 1956. This was followed by the construction of an addition which was dedicated on May 16, 1976.
In 1979, Nazareth organized a pre-school, which it operated until 1994. Nazareth has actively supported the Hopewell Food Pantry with monthly food drives and some of the members have volunteered their time and talents at John Randolph Hospital and The Clothing Place (Shepherd's Place). The congregation has also built many handicap accessible ramps for people in the community who needed assistance in getting into their homes. An active quilters group meets weekly and has provided quilts to those in need.Â